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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Move Me Fit and Creative Movement Classes

 I got the opportunity to try out the Move Me Fit class and my kiddos got to try the Creative Movement class that was held at Alaska Dance Theatre this past Wednesday. The Move Me Fit class is described as this: "Our class, taught by classically trained Pilates instructor is designed to lengthen and strengthen your body. We will learn about our bodies strengths and weaknesses, and use that knowledge to gain stamina, flexibility, coordination, and muscle tone. "

 This was my first time ever doing Pilates. As you can see in the photo of the instructor above, a lot of these moves are using your core. Well...in my case TRYING to use your core. Three kids and two C sections can do a number on a woman's body! But that is the purpose of the class is to strengthen your core, right? This is a great class for all those mommas trying to retrain those abs. The instructor was great at explaining what to do. She also modified the poses since I had a herniated bellybutton.

 This is an hour long class that will work you. Required focus on how you are using your muscles. I was sore for 2 days after. The drop in rate is $7 a class or you can get a $60 10 visit punch card. The great thing about this is while you are working on your rocking body, you can have your little ones taking the Creative Movements class right next door!

 Here is the description for the Creative Movement class, " Explore the joy of movement through the elements of space, time and energy. The course develops the creative potential, builds self-esteem and helps all students experience success." This class is for 3-5 year olds and it's $70 for a 4 week session.

 Kaden was a little disappointed at first to be the only boy in class. He was rolling his eyes at me. When did he turn 16?! Brooke was so excited to go dance. It was cute seeing the other girls in their leotards and tights. I snuck out of my class later to see what Kaden and Brooke were doing in class. I heard the instructor ask them to pretend to be ice skating, so they all skated around. It was great to see them using their imaginations and moving around. There was time for direction and creativity.

 This photo cracks me up.  Brooke was hoping everywhere, I'm sure Kaden was asking a question, and I love what is going on in the background. Teaching this age is like herding cats. The teacher was so kind and calm. She allowed the kids to move but kept them focused. She had commented that Kaden was rolling his eyes. I guess he is "too cool."

 Overall, I really enjoyed our visit. Reminded me of how out of shape I am! The only negative thing I think is the price of the Creative Movements class. Kind of spendy. But it would be worth it for you to work out and know that your kid is using his brain and being active instead of sitting in the childcare of the gym.

 If you want more information, visit the Alaska Dance Theatre site or call them at  277-9592.

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