Special Thanks!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Extra, Extra Read All About It

 I'm so excited to share the news I have! Sarah, owner of Alaska Baby Rentals, and I have joined forces to bring you the first AK Mom 2 Mom sale. What is a Mom 2 Mom sale you ask?

 Think of an indoor garage sale, but bigger and better. A sale that has ONLY maternity, baby, and kid gear! No driving across town to find that a garage sale that says "baby clothing" only has a couple of stained onesies. There will be moms and dads selling their gently used kid items. You know there will be lots of items that still have tags on it! Think of those snowsuits that your little one is outgrowing and will need another for next winter.

 Don't just think clothes, think bigger! Strollers, play equipment, car seats, swings, bikes! I'm getting too excited! Where has this Mom 2 Mom sale been my whole motherhood! This would have saved my multiple trips to stores and meeting people from Craigslist!

 These sales are new to us in Alaska, but not new to the lower 48. In Michigan, where they started, they sell out of vendor spots! They have several sales happening in the surrounding areas weekly!

 This sale is a great way to bring all the gear your kids have out grown without having your own garage sale. We are bringing the people who want to buy kids gear to you! Sell your items and walk away with money! Don't forget about selling all those cute maternity tops and pants you bought online because you couldn't find them in AK. Ready to register to sell at our event?

 Didn't sell everything? No worries. The churches charity, Give N Take, will be collecting donations to give to people or other local charities in need.

 Wanna come shop? Admission is $2 for adults and children are free! There will also be several local kid friendly businesses! Bring some totes to load your goods in.

 Mark your calendars for March 10, 2012 from 10a-2p at Abbott Loop Community Church. Plenty of time to browse the tables. Get a sitter for the kids so you can shop, and guess what..... we are going to have a coffee shop open! Grab your coffee and shop around!

 Spring cleaning is right around the corner! Be sure to like us on Facebook to hear about items that will be sold, tips, or when the next event is. Please share it with your family and friends! See you at the sale!


  1. what will the new location be?? (following the roof collapse at the Abbott Loop church...)

  2. So..... appears it's been moved to Changepoint on Raspberry/Minnesota ? Is anyone monitoring and updating this page?

  3. SOrry, I forgot to update this page! I was so busy trying to update everything else and TOTALLY forgot to do this one. Yep this page is being monitored, by a tired mommy. =)
