Special Thanks!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sunny Vacation

 We spent two glorious, SUNNY weeks in Pasadena, California for Christmas. EVERY day was sunny and warm! It's amazing how good you feel with sunlight! This was the first time Snugglebug actually got to walk outside since she started walking and she loved it. She asked to go for a walk everyday. In our free time, we would walk through the neighborhood and collect pinecones.

We were visiting my husbands family, who lives several blocks from the Rose Bowl. We walked there several times, played at the playground, and flew helicopters. It was so hot one of the days we had to get ice cream! Get this, the children's museum there was doing snow days. I was so confused seeing kids walking around in hats, gloves and snow boots and it being 70 degrees. But then I saw the sign for "snow."
 We were in a household of a lot of people. Seven grandkids running around. Lots of sweets that I continued to eat. Something always going on. We visited the LA Zoo which made me really appreciate our non crowded Alaskan zoo. I don't have to worry about losing a kid at the AK zoo. I was constantly counting the kids and making sure they were the right ones! There are way to many people in LA for my liking! We also went to Medival Times for one of the kid's birthdays, lotta fun! Where else do you get to eat with your hands, watch jousting, and cheer/boo knights?!

 The adults had their fun as well. We hit up the Ice House Comedy Club and ran into Wee Man. There was a lot of Guesstures and Cranium going on at the house when the kiddos were in bed. Laughing so hard that I was crying and peeing my pants. I learned how to play Guitar Hero, I suck if you were curious. The ladies had lunch at a cute little cafe and what's a vacation without manicures and pedicures?! My sister in law talked me into getting flowers on my hands and toes. They turned out great! I also got to visit the fashion district in LA! I about lost my mind! So much fabric and not enough time!
  My husband and buddy went to the Rose Bowl game and watched the Ducks beat the Badgers. Buying scalped tickets is the way to go! While they were at the game, I tried my hand in driving LA's crazy traffic to visit two high school friends! I would give myself an ulcer trying to drive that traffic daily. I'm thankful for Anchorage's traffic.

 We boarded the plane with our 3 car seats, double stroller, 5 checked bags, and 4 carry ons with sunny and warms skies, then unloaded to snow and cold temperatures. Oh, as we were landing, Brooke starting throwing up, luckily her blanket was able to catch it. That blanket has since been trashed. Husband cleaned her up and as she was standing in the chair, she told her surrounding audience that "I threw up" several times." It was so gross yet so cute. Can that even be in the same sentence? Then Kaden threw up in the car on the way home. Kids got their motion sickness from me, poor guys.

 Had a great time with family. Glad to be home in our beds. Now getting back into the swing of things. Next up on the agenda, registering Peanut for special ed preschool! Oh Boy!

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