Special Thanks!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Taiga Teethers Hazelwood Necklace Giveaway (closed)

 My son has had really bad eczema since he was a toddler. We've tried several lotions and cremes and it still doesn't fully go away. Winter time is worse for him. Scratching and itching. Last year it was so bad the rashes were bleeding. I was really worried so we took him to the doctor and he recommended bleach baths. We added a small amount of bleach into his baths and it still didn't go away.

 I've heard about these hazelwood necklaces that are suppose to help calm eczema and more. I actually got an amber necklace for my baby, Kora, to help with her teething. She is able to sleep at night and not wake up in pain. So I knew that seemed to work so why not try it for Kaden? It couldn't hurt.

 I was excited to see there was a new local business making these necklaces. Anna, owner of Taiga Teethers, made Kaden a "Spiderman" necklace. I really wish I took a before photo of Kaden's skin. The poor guy has it all over his arms, wrists, legs, and was starting to get it on his cheeks. I was putting some hemp lotion on him a little over a month ago. But when we got the necklace we used that alone with some California Baby sensitive skin lotion.

 His eczema is clearing up! It's been a couple of weeks of wearing the necklace and its not as red and scratchy as it used to be. It's not completely gone, but I'm thankful for the relief that he is getting. I'm hoping that it will all be gone soon! If you look in the photo below you can see the white spots where the eczema is gone and you can see some red spots where it still is. BUT its not inflammed and bleeding!

 You might be wondering, how does the necklace work? I took this from Anna's page, "Hazelwood helps to create an alkaline environment in the body which may prevent or reduce the symptoms associated with acidosis or the body being too acidic. When worn close to the skin, hazelwood works by drawing acidity out of the body and absorbing it into the wood."

 What about safety? The day I put Kaden's necklace on, he decided to take it off by pulling it off. Luckily I stopped him before he broke it. But with his little pulling, it was already detaching from the clasp. Anna did a test on how much tension it takes to safely break away from the child's neck. If you visit here, you will find the photos to show how it works. Just the clasp breaks and all the beads stay on the necklace!

 Guess what! Anna is giving a lucky reader a necklace!! You get to pick your colors as well! But first a little about Anna, cause I always want to know a little about the people behind the scenes.

 Tell us about your business and how it started.
 Taiga Teethers was inspired by our twins, Magen & Caleb. I used hazelwood teething necklaces on them and had amazing results. We went from using ibuprofen almost nightly during bad teething episodes to using ibuprofen almost never. My daughter had terrible burning diaper rashes with teething, I couldn't even use wipes with just water because it hurt her so badly to clean her. I resorted to letting her run around naked and taking the occasional accident in stride. Since using hazelwood she has had two minor diaper rashes that went away in one application of medicine. She had them back to back before hazelwood. When I wanted to get more necklaces a few months after I bought my first ones I realized that it is near impossible to find them locally and decided to do some research to find my own hazelwood beads to make my own necklaces. I am so grateful to be living in a state that takes pride in buying local, many people have sought out Taiga Teethers in hopes of buying locally made natural teething remedies.

Where can I buy these products?
 Our Hazelwood necklaces are being sold at the following places
-Birch Tree Baby
-Providence Nursing Boutique
-Coming soon to Blueberry Baby in Fairbanks, AK

What do you love about Alaska?
 I am a born and raised Alaskan and proud of it! I love the mountains, of course everyone does right? But we love to hike and ski and well we would be lost without our beautiful Alaska mountains! And I am missing them these days, it's kind of hard to go downhill skiing with twins.

 So want one? Leave a comment and a way to get a hold of you. The winner will be chosen at random on Monday. Also, Anna is giving away an adult necklace when she reaches 100 fans so be sure to like her Facebook page and comment on her picture!


  1. YAY! I would love one of these for my 9 year old. He has pre-eczema all winter long, always has. He'd be so happy not to be so itchy all the time.
    I'm planning on buying myself a hazelwood necklace soon, I'm hoping it will help with the terrible psoriasis on my scalp.
    My 2 year old has worn an amber necklace since she was 3 months and never once had an issue with teething. I put an amber necklace on my 6 year old when she was getting some molars, those big teeth came in without a problem.

  2. I've heard about these, but my son was never bothered by teething. We gave him tylenol only a handful of times and that was when he was cutting molars. I now have a baby girl-3 months old, and it would be great to have one on hand for her- just in case!
    Robyn (robynandbatman@hotmail.com)

  3. Not sure I understand the science behind wearing a necklace and teething, but Yoel just got his first tooth and is waking up screaming, so I am willing to try anything!


  4. I would LOVE one of these for my daughter! She had acid reflux and is teething. I need some sleep! Lol. Plus, they look adorable!


  5. I'd like to win this! It's worth a shot to try!!

  6. I have a cousin who suffers from horrible eczema, she has sores and bleeding skin constantly. She spends most of her days at home running around naked so nothing will rub on her. I would love to get one for her to try.


  7. I'd love one of these.
    Ericandkari at gmail dot com

  8. I'd love one of these for my son, I think it would really help him!

  9. I am wearing a hazelwood necklace now and I just love it...I wore it my whole pregnancy and can't bring myself to take it off. I would love to win one for my baby girl!
    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  10. Thanks so much for a wonderful post! I am glad it is working for him. If anyone is interested in baltic amber as well we are going to have another shipment arriving in mid to late december. Like Taiga Teethers on facebook to receive updates about exclusive facebook sales and Baltic Amber updates!
    Thanks again! We really appreciate it!

  11. What a great success story! I love amber and hazelwood. :)

  12. I would love to try one of these for my 5 year old who gets some pretty bad patches of icthy skin as well. My friend has one of the teething ones for her baby and it seems to help a lot.
    Stephanie (glacier44 @ gmail . com)

  13. I've seen and heard about these necklaces, nothing but good stuff! Not only are the fashionable but they work wonders!

    Sharae Selders

  14. Another great testimonial on the uses of Amber Teething Necklaces. I am astounded by the number of health benefits this product is giving to adults.
