Special Thanks!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

BodyBack- Momma Wants Her Body Back

  How are you at taking care of your body since you had kids? Um, not so good for me. I would look at pictures of moms with amazing bodies and wish I could look the same way. I've always grown up being active in sports and in pretty good health. After having kids, I had a hard time taking care of myself. I tried Curves and a membership at the Alaska Club. But I failed at those. Took to much time and effort. I also didn't have someone keeping me accountable. I'm lazy in this area. I did do Stroller Strides when Kaden was a baby and I lost weight. But I started having more kids and it got harder keeping them in strollers.

 My friend Chandra, owner of Stroller Strides in Anchorage, contacted me to see if I wanted to try BodyBack out. Here is what is involved in the 8 week session:

Two group workouts per week
Mama Wants her Body Back meal plan and food journal
Before and After fitness assessments and measurements
Online coaching and support
Workout DVDs
Resistance band

 I figured I needed to lose weight and this might be my best option! One of the great things about this program is that it is for moms only. My kids can stay at home with dad while I get my workout on because it's later in the evening.

 My first meeting was to get assessed with sit ups, push ups, run a mile and get numbers from my body. I'll share, I could not do a SINGLE sit up!! Those kids did a number on me! I think I did well on the push ups, carrying kids around keeps my arms in some sort of shape. I weighed in at 160lb. Oh and I volunteered to take a photo of me in a sports bra for a "before" photo. I'll save your eyes from that one though. =)

  I took home 3 booklets for my meal plan. I was doing the Belly Fat Cure before this meal plan so that kind of help jump start eating right. I believe eating clean doesn't happen over night. I've taken out a lot of processed foods as well as sugar. The meal plan from BodyBack gives me a lot of ideas for snacks and meals that are healthy. Takes the thinking out of "what's for dinner?" What I have learned is that I need to be more organized. If I don't have what I need in the house, I will be eating several pieces of buttered toast or those chocolate chips in the freezer. This is an area that I am working on, being prepared.

 Besides meeting twice a week with Chandra, who works my butt off, I have to do several videos a week. I get to choose when to do them and they are very short. BUT do the job. My husband actually does the videos with me sometimes and he is sweating. There are modifications in the videos for advanced and beginners. Very easy to do. I will be using these videos after I am done with the 8 week session.

 I highly recommend this program. The price is $250 for Stroller Strides moms, $275 for non-Stroller Strides moms, and $200 for active military moms. I know it seems like a lot up front, but it is well worth it! A lot cheaper then a gym membership and you kind of get your own trainer. You also get accountability and support, which has really helped me, even on the days that I feel like I failed.

 So what about results? I've lost 5 lbs so far. Going to Vegas and Washington for a week did not help. BUT I think I'm also gaining muscle, which weighs more then fat. I feel and look stronger. I feel better in my clothes and I can see a difference. Definitely not there yet. I would like to lose 15 lbs. But its not about the losing weight for me as much as it is to being healthy. My eating habits are changing for the better, and I think twice about chomping on the cookie. Sometimes I grab a yogurt instead but sometimes I still grab that cookie. Old habits are hard to die, that's why I know this is not happening over night. But I'm very happy with the outcome so far!

 Need more info? Visit here to learn more!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing GREAT, Jamie!!! So proud of you. We aren't done with you yet ;-)
