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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Anchorage Public Library

 I love books. I could get lost in a book all day, which is really hard when I have 3 little ones running around. I can get a chapter here or there. Sometimes it's mommy guilt saying "you can't read, you have dishes and laundry to do!" I'm still learning how to fight back with that huge voice.

 I LOVE peeking into the room to see my kids looking through books. The photo above was not staged. Kaden and Brooke were sitting back to back reading and Kora was looking as well. Books are usually scattered all over the floor daily. We have build a great collection from celebrations, just cause, and the Imagination Library.  (Great program for kids to get a FREE book monthly till they are 5!)

 It is always fun to get new books, so we head to the library to check out some "new" books. Do you have a library card? Going to the library is a LIFESAVER for winter months here in Alaska. They have great programs for little ones. Even in the summer, there is always something going on. They have programs for ALL ages! Be sure to visit their site to find out what event is coming up.

 We like to visit the Loussac library. They have a great kids section with a great resource area (as seen above.) Did you know that you can check out lap sit bags and storypackets?! It's these cool bags with several books and other goodies in them. The themes range from Alaskan tales to trucks to the zoo! I've been using this for Kaden's homeschool. I didn't have to go in and find a whole bunch of books on the theme we are covering. This is also great if you want to get in and get out with a bunch of books! Did you know you can put books on hold for you online? It's how I save time (and my sanity) when going in. The kids for some reason don't have fun when I'm trying to find a book for me, go figure.

 I think it is very inviting for families to sit and read. I haven't visited all of the libraries, but I'm pretty sure each of them have a cool little kid section. We like visiting the muldoon as well. Here is a list of the library locations in the larger cities of Alaska: Anchorage municipality, Fairbanks , Juneau, Kenai, Homer, Seward. Which one is your home library?

 At the Loussac library, there are also puzzles, felt boards and blocks for building. I think next time I'll have my books ready for pickup so I can get some reading in and then let them play. The day we went, I made a couple of rookie mistakes. Stayed to long, is that even possible? Oh wait, with kids, yes. Stayed too long and it was lunch and nap time. What was I thinking? Needless to say Brooke screamed/screeched, whatever you want to call it, it was loud and embarrassing. THEN I was paying attention to the man who was getting me a new card and Brooke was gone. Kaden asked, "where's Brooke?" At first I didn't think she could get that far away. When I walked around and couldn't find her, all these thoughts started racing through my head. Do I get them to lock the doors, what if someone took her, what if she got on the elevator, what do I do! Probably 2 minutes passed, seemed like 15, and then I started YELLING her name. A lady pointed me upstairs, and sure enough there she was, laughing. She made it up 2 flights of stairs very quickly and quiet.

 Has something like that ever happened to you? It is the scariest thing! Well just getting out of the library, the kids were going crazy as well as myself. I don't know how I left without tears. We will be back, just with a better plan of attack and we won't stay as long. What works for you at the library? Or any public place with small, walking kiddos.

 Just FYI, the mayor is proposing budget cuts for our libraries. The Samson-Dimond library was already closed, so sad. I would really hate to see more budget cuts to a great community resource. Visit the Anchorage Library Foundation to learn more and how to get involved. Have you liked the Anchorage Public Library facebook page yet? They let you know when all the fun events are going on. So if you haven't done it, go get a library card!

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