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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Local Business Interview! Essential Esthetics by Richelle!

This week we took some time to get together with Richelle, of Essential Esthetics by Richelle. We asked her all about her esthetics business, how she keeps it running while keeping up with her two growing boys, and what keeps her mom motivated!

Alaska’s Kids: Tell us just a little bit about yourself, what makes you, you?
Richelle: I am a pretty typical mom. I juggle the needs of my two boys, my husband, a dog, the house and just to make things extra crazy, I threw in a business. I am really passionate about natural health and sharing what I learn with other people who are interested. I also love challenging myself and I am the type of person who functions best with lots of chaos surrounding me.

Alaska’s Kids: Why did you decide to start an esthetics business?
Richelle: I have been an esthetician for about seven years and have always loved it. Nothing is better for me than making other women feel better about themselves. When I got pregnant with my first son, my husband and I decided that I would stay home to raise our children. I was happy to do so but it was a dramatic change for me. I was so in love with my career and I loved working sixty hour weeks. Going from that life to being home 24/7 was a hard transition.

When my youngest was about a year and a half I started getting job offers from some local spas and it started to get the itch to go back to work. I missed the social aspect of being around other adults and having something for myself outside of my family life. I still loved being home with my boys and couldn’t give it up but there was that nagging voice inside me. My husband suggested we remodel a room for me to work out of and see if that satisfied what I needed. I jumped at the opportunity to have the best of both worlds! He did all of the remodeling work and in about five months I was ready to open!

Alaska’s Kids: Tell us a bit about the business. What does Essential Esthetics by Richelle have to offer?
Richelle: I specialize in waxing and facials. All the products I use and recommend are the highest quality organic and natural products that can be found. I am passionate about educating women on how important it is to use non-toxic products because so many of those toxins can destroy our hormone balance and our long term health.

Alaska’s Kids: What makes your esthetics business different from others in town?
Richelle: Since I work from home I have a very low overhead and can pass that savings on to my clients. Life is expensive and we as women put our needs last because we feel guilty spending money on something that seems frivolous, even if it does help us feel more confidant and beautiful. I want women to feel beautiful without feeling guilty.

Alaska’s Kids: What’s it like to run Essential Esthetics out of your home?
Richelle: There are two sides of this for me. On one hand, I love the freedom and privacy it gives me with my clients. On the other hand, it’s a little strange bringing people I’ve never met into my home. I am fortunate though to have such a wonderful clientele; occasionally you can hear the kids scream or slam a door and that’s just part of it. Everyone understands this and is okay with it, I think my skill and customer service make it worth the occasional scuffle in the room above.

Alaska’s Kids: Are there any struggles in being a work at home mom?
Richelle: My biggest struggle is finding a balance. I’ve gotten busy enough that I could easily see clients every night of the week, but that is really hard on my family. My husband works ten hour days and on the nights I have clients, he comes home and is in charge of the kids. He’s happy to do it but it can get overwhelming when he wants to come home and relax with his family. The boys aren’t ever crazy about me being downstairs with clients because it means they have to stay upstairs and be quiet for about an hour, that’s a long time for a three and five year old!

Alaska’s Kids: How do you stay motivated to see your clients after spending an entire day taking care of your household and family?
Richelle: This part is actually easy for me, being with my clients is like having a mental break. I get to have a conversation with another adult, I’m not having to chase little boys around to break up fights, and it’s quiet! Seeing clients gives me a little sanity in my crazy daily life.

Alaska’s Kids: Do you have any advice for fellow moms that are thinking about starting their own home business?
Richelle: Do something you absolutely love! If you don’t love it, it won’t be worth what it takes away from your family.

Alaska’s Kids: What’s your one “can’t live without” product?
Richelle: Starflower Skindance Moisturizing Oil! No matter what my skin is doing (dry/combo/oily) this gives it the moisture and glow it needs and I love!

A huge thank you goes out to Richelle for taking the time to answer a few questions for us at Alaska’s Kids!

Be sure to check out Richelle’s website for more information on the services she has to offer! http://www.essentialestheticsbyrichelle.com

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