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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ducksday USA Rain Suit Giveaway

 I have to admit, I'm afraid to post this giveaway. I hate to jinx all this AMAZING weather we have been having in Anchorage and surrounding areas! Lucky for you I'm NOT superstitious, so here is the awesome giveaway: Ducksday USA Rainsuit from Ollie and Stella Children's Outfitters! Go ahead, click the link, I'll give you a minute to check out all the cool and vibrant colors these rainsuits come in. Seriously, go check them out, because you'll need to know which one you would choose if you win. It took me forever to choose and I think I changed my mind 3 times. Here is the link again if you didn't check them out a couple of sentences ago: Ducksday USA Rainsuit.


 Okay, you got the color you would pick? It's okay if you change your mind as you read. I'm not kidding, I changed my mind so many times and as I emailed Linn at Ollie and Stella Children's Outfitters, I wasn't sure if I was typing the right choice! I do love the choice we went with, which was "Ace," but I'm pretty sure I'm going to order the "Funky Red" or "Groovy" next time. But then again, THIS new color is coming this fall! Ugh, here I go again....

 I got to try out this rainsuit in the snow this winter AKA Alaska spring. As long as I put warm layers on under the rainsuit, it keep my daughter warm. Ollie and Stella also make adorable fleeces that can be warn under the rainsuit as well. The rainsuit kept her dry in the wet snow.

 Let's talk features. The rainsuit has great colors going for it, but that doesn't hold up here in AK. As you know that Anchorage was ranked  1st for worst dressed people, we are not about looking cute as much as we are for warmth and comfort. There are lots of features that are great. There are 2 reflective strips on the shoulders, which helps in the Alaskan dark days. It also comes with a liner through out the whole suit which adds extra protection from the elements.

 My daughter's favorite feature is the pockets! There are 3 large pockets to put rocks, snacks, grass, bugs, hand warmers, etc in. I like how it has those big rubber zipper tags on it so it's easier for my daughter to zip/unzip herself. Very useful when you have your mittens on in the snow! The material holds up to the elements as well! My son wore it and did otter slides down the snowy hill. (Otter slides are on your belly, face first.) I was kind of freaked out at first because I thought he would tear the rainsuit, but after several slides, it was still good as new!

 The sizes run a little big which I like, plenty of room for layers. Peanut is wearing the 4-5 year old size and she will be able to wear it next year. My 6 year old can wear it comfortably as well. There is velcro and elastic around the wrist cuffs to help keep snow/water out. There is a stirup and elastic around the ankle cuffs to keep snow/water out as well. Have to admit, I don't care for the stirup, so I just tuck it in the pant leg and the elastic still does a great job keeping elements out. I would think the stirup would come in handy if the rainsuit is getting short on your child and it keeps it from riding up. After our walk outside in the rain and puddle jumping, Peanuts feet were nice and dry! The hood also has velcro and elastic to make it smaller or bigger, which makes room for beanies.

Overall, I LOVE this rainsuit! I seriously wish it came in my size! The rainsuits only go up to the 4-5 year old sizes, BUT there are separates for the older kids here. I'm excited that Ollie and Stella Children's Outfitters  is going to give a rainsuit away to one of my lucky readers!! Whoop, whoop! There are several ways to up your chances of winning so be sure to read the rules! This is only open to Alaskan residents as well.

Be sure to like their Facebook page to keep up with all their new products! Visit their main website too because they have other cool products for this summer!

Contest ends Monday night June 17, 2013. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway