Special Thanks!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Skedaddle Guest Post

  When I had invisioned Alaska's Kids, I wanted to have a review on all the different playgrounds throughtout the state on the blog. Well 3 kids later and not enough time, I wasn't able to do it. But I was so thrilled to learn about Skedaddle! Skedaddle is a parent group that meets together OUTSIDE rain or shine, every Tuesday at a different park in Anchorage, and have reviews on the parks they visit.

 The group is part of Anchorage Outdoor Family Network , who you can also find on Facebook. Lia organizes Skedaddle and I'm so glad that there is a group where parents can connect while their kids burn off energy outside. Be sure to join a Skedaddle and meet some new friends!

Lia, take it away!

Hello!  I am Lia Keller, born and raised in Anchorage, AK.  I am now raising my two wild sons here in the place I grew up!  I also have an all-weather playgroup meeting each Tuesday at 10 in a playground around town. 

  I don’t have one favorite movie or even an all time favorite song.  My favorite color has held steady with “sea glass” (I guess technically that is about three or four colors) for a few years now.  So when Jamie asked me to write about my favorite playground in Anchorage, I was at a loss.  I love so many playgrounds in Anchorage - Lynn Ary in Turnagain, Carlson Park in Midtown and Nunaka Valley North on the Eastside to name a few. 

 Most Anchorage Parents are familiar with those playgrounds and might need a change of scenery.  So, instead of my most favorite park in Anchorage, I am presenting you with  my “list” of favorite parks in Anchorage.  I hope you find a new place to take your children and maybe add one to your list of favorite parks.

My kids want to explore - Johns Park

            Along with the typical playground equipment, this park sits along a stream and forrest.  There is even a trail loop with a bridge.

Time to kill downtown - Nulbay Park

            Most families flock to the old Elderberry Park when downtown.  Instead, I like to visit this park with whale sculptures you can climb.  There is grass and sand, so bring shovels and buckets. 

Sledding - Sitka Street Park

            Go past Russian Jack and steer clear of Service High School for sledding.  Sitka Street has a fantastic sledding hill.  Little kiddos can zip down the side and you can have fun on the front of the hill.  They are putting in a skate park this summer and I hope they leave my favorite hill alone!

Crisp, Fall day - Pop Carr Park

            The playground isn’t the best in town, but the trees are amazing.  Huge piles of leaves gather on the little hills.  There is a large grassy area and paved trail for little bikers.

My kids want trains - Alderwood Park

            Sunset HIll has a great little playground that has a train station and train with multiple cars.  There also are swings, grass and a bench for me to sit as the boys go on train trips all over the world.


Raining cats and dogs - Storck Park

            While my boys will play outside in any weather, I don’t mind a shelter over my head in the rain.  Stork park has a great picnic shelter that is even glassed one side blocking the wind.  The play areas are right next to the shelter so I can stay dry and knit as my boys run off their energy!

Thanks Lia!

If you want to see all the parks and playgrounds Anchorage has to offer, visit this website, Anchorage Park Foundation. And don't forget to get some fresh air with your little ones with Skedaddle!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chewy S'mores Granola Bars Guest Post

 There is a sense of accomplishment and joy when I make our food from scratch. Whew! Lots of hours in the kitchen though! But it's worth it to me knowing where our food comes from and what exactly is in it. I've been trying to make more snacks as well so this post is perfect for our household!
 If you haven't read Maya's blog over at Alaska From Scratch, head on over there after you read her yummy recipe for Chewy S'mores Granola Bars posted below. She has some amazing recipes and beautiful photos to look at. Whenever I look at her photos of food, it makes want to jump through the screen and eat it. Just look at the granola bar below! Don't you want to grab and take a huge bite! I can already taste the yumminess and feel how chewy it is! I need to go make these, but first, take it away Maya!

 Hi Alaska's Kids Readers! I'm Maya from Alaska from Scratch. I'm a mom of three, a pastor's wife, an associate pastor, and a food blogger from the Kenai Peninsula. Since our family of five transplanted to Alaska from California two years ago, I've been cooking from scratch to help keep our grocery bills down and to provide wholesome meals and snacks for my family. One of our favorites are my Chewy S'mores Granola Bars and I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to share the recipe with you here at Alaska's Kids. A regular box of popular brand granola bars in our part of Alaska can run right about $5 for 10 bars, occasionally less. In addition to saving money, there's a certain satisfaction that comes with making these at home and knowing exactly what goes into these favorite lunchtime snacks.